
(SeaPRwire) –

PALO ALTO, Calif., Nov. 13, 2023 — 於10月29日, moomoo最新廣告點亮了紐約時報廣場其中一個最顯眼和具代表性的廣告牌-納斯達克塔。



"We're delighted to have witnessed your global growth and look forward to collaborating with you for many years to come." Ade Cordell, President of APAC for CBOE
“We’re delighted to have witnessed your global growth and look forward to collaborating with you for many years to come.” Ade Cordell, President of APAC for CBOE

“We’re delighted to have witnessed your global growth and look forward to collaborating with you for many years to come.”

Ade Cordell, President of APAC for CBOE

"Our collaboration empowers investors to make well-informed investment decisions. We are pleased to be part of our key client's international expansion and success journey. We look forward to working with moomoo even closer in the years ahead." Tomas Franczyk, Managing Director of Nasdaq
“Our collaboration empowers investors to make well-informed investment decisions. We are pleased to be part of our key client’s international expansion and success journey. We look forward to working with moomoo even closer in the years ahead.” Tomas Franczyk, Managing Director of Nasdaq

“Our collaboration empowers investors to make well-informed investment decisions. We are pleased to be part of our key client’s international expansion and success journey. We look forward to working with moomoo even closer in the years ahead.”

Tomas Franczyk, Managing Director of Nasdaq

"On behalf of the exchange, we thank you for your ongoing and continued collaboration in connecting investors to the home of capital markets and the world's largest stock exchange. We wish you all the best." Jessica Froats, Head of Relationship Management at NYSE
“On behalf of the exchange, we thank you for your ongoing and continued collaboration in connecting investors to the home of capital markets and the world’s largest stock exchange. We wish you all the best.” Jessica Froats, Head of Relationship Management at NYSE

“On behalf of the exchange, we thank you for your ongoing and continued collaboration in connecting investors to the home of capital markets and the world’s largest stock exchange. We wish you all the best.”

Jessica Froats, Head of Relationship Management at NYSE


“With moomoo’s Heat Map, you can toggle between parameters like markets, industries, price changes, market cap, time intervals, or turnover.”

Youtuber – TheDavidLinReport

“With moomoo’s Institutional Tracker*, you are not just tracking any securities. You are tracking companies that specialize in this business.”

YouTuber – StockMoe

“Moomoo’ Earnings Report is the backstage pass to the stock market drama. It is like watching your favorite show but with real stakes and dollar signs.”

YouTuber – Viktoriya Media

“Moomoo’s Charting Tools lets you customize your data like never before. It is like having a buffet of trading insights, and you pick what goes on your plate.”

YouTuber – Kenan Grace

“With moomoo, you are armed with real-time data** that’s refreshed every 0.3 seconds. It’s practically hot off the press. Never miss out on a beat in the market with constantly updated in-depth information coming from multiple markets.”

YouTuber – MoneyMakerAviLev



**請注意,在美國,只有Moomoo Financial Inc.帳戶的30天平均帳戶值為100美元或以上的用戶,才能訪問Lv2數據。其他條件適用,如需了解更多詳情,請訪問。此功能不適用於澳洲。所提及的產品和功能未必在所有地區都適用。詳情請瀏覽moomoo官方網站獲取您所在地區的資訊。



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領域: 頭條新聞,日常新聞

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